Monday, April 13, 2015

INITRANS and MAXTRANS in Oracle - Kickstarter Resources

The INITRANS parameter allows you to configure concurrent access to a block in Oracle, defining the initial number of Interested Transaction List (ITL). MAXTRANS defines the maximum value for concurrent access=255. In this post, i have compiled a list of MOS documents shedding light on INITRANS and MAXTRANS, how to configure them and so forth.
  • INITRANS Relationship with DB_BLOCK_SIZE. (Doc ID 151473.1)
  • Master Note: Oracle Transaction Management (Local) Overview (Doc ID 1506115.1)
  • Create Index Initrans Does Not Allocate the Number Specified (Doc ID 729445.1)
  • Unable To Increase Initrans For LOB Index Segment (Doc ID 1617125.1)
  • How To Modify The Physical Attribute INITRANS For An Existing Table Or Index? (Doc ID 549074.1)
  • How to Re-Organize a Table Online (Doc ID 177407.1)
  • How To Modify The Physical Attribute INITRANS For An Existing Table Or Index? (Doc ID 549074.1)
  • When a storage parameter such as; Initrans is modified DBA_TABLES view is not updated (Doc ID 1484309.1)
  • DataPump Export/Import Generate Messages "The Value (30) Of Maxtrans Parameter Ignored" in Alert Log (Doc ID 455021.1)
Here is an example command on how to change the INITRANS for an existing table.

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