Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Oracle Java VM - Patching Regiment is separate from DB Home Patching

I learned an interesting fact about Oracle Java VM Patching - that it is separate from the Oracle DB Home PSU Patching even though, it does reside within the Oracle DB Home directory structure. Also, another point to be noted is that, the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) Home does not have to patched for OJVM.
Here are some useful resources and documents that I went through to come to this conclusion - I must admit, it was a bit confusing. Basically, this translates into downloading a separate PSU for OJVM from the Oracle DB Home.
  • The OJVM Patching SAGA - Oracle Blogs
  • Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update October 2015 Availability Document (Doc ID 2037108.1)
  • Quick Reference to Patch Numbers for Database PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches and Patchsets (Doc ID 1454618.1)
  • Oracle Recommended Patches -- "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" (OJVM PSU) Patches (Doc ID 1929745.1)
  • October 2014 CPU Database JVM Vulnerabilities FAQ (Doc ID 1940702.1)
  • What to do if the Database JAVAVM Component becomes INVALID After installing an OJVM Patch? (Doc ID 2165212.1)
  • New Patch Nomenclature for Oracle Products (Doc ID 1430923.1)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

ORA-600's due to Memory Corruption - Potential Causes/Solutions

In certain instances, the following ORA-600 errors can arise on Oracle 11.x or later - Possible Causes/Solution are mentioned below - please check for relevance in your particular scenario.
ORA-600 [kghfre2]
A failed attempt to free a chunk of memory results in this ORA-600 error. Further investigation reveals that, this chunk header is neither "recreatable" nor "freeable".
and therefore generate this exception.

ORA-600 [17402]
ORA-600[17402] is indicative of a Memory Heap Corruption.

ORA-600 [17183]
Memory is checked to ensure that it is "freeable". If doing so causes a failure, this shall geenerating this ORA-600 exception. This also results in Memory Corruption and causes no Data Corruption.

Possible Causes - Require further investigation and RCA:
  1. Improper/Unpatched OS Stack
  2. Improper/Incorrectly configured VM/LPAR Memory Configuration
  3. Hardware Memory Issues
  4. SGA/PGA/UGA Memory Shortage/Exhaustion
Potential Solutions:
  1. Increase the SGA/PGA Memory Areas
  2. Perform full hardware diagnostics on the Memory Hardware
  3. Check the OS Stack for latest Patch levels

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Useful Queries for Long-Running Operations using v$session_longops and gv$session_longops

I have compiled a few useful queries to estimate the elapsed and remaining time for Long Running operations using using v$session_longops and gv$session_longops.
A description of v$session_longops and gv$session_longops:
SQL> desc v$session_longops;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 SID                                                NUMBER
 SERIAL#                                            NUMBER
 OPNAME                                             VARCHAR2(64)
 TARGET                                             VARCHAR2(64)
 TARGET_DESC                                        VARCHAR2(32)
 SOFAR                                              NUMBER
 TOTALWORK                                          NUMBER
 UNITS                                              VARCHAR2(32)
 START_TIME                                         DATE
 LAST_UPDATE_TIME                                   DATE
 TIMESTAMP                                          DATE
 TIME_REMAINING                                     NUMBER
 ELAPSED_SECONDS                                    NUMBER
 CONTEXT                                            NUMBER
 MESSAGE                                            VARCHAR2(512)
 USERNAME                                           VARCHAR2(30)
 SQL_ADDRESS                                        RAW(8)
 SQL_HASH_VALUE                                     NUMBER
 SQL_ID                                             VARCHAR2(13)
 SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE                                NUMBER
 SQL_EXEC_START                                     DATE
 SQL_EXEC_ID                                        NUMBER
 SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID                                   NUMBER
 SQL_PLAN_OPERATION                                 VARCHAR2(30)
 SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS                                   VARCHAR2(30)
 QCSID                                              NUMBER

SQL> desc gv$session_longops;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 INST_ID                                            NUMBER
 SID                                                NUMBER
 SERIAL#                                            NUMBER
 OPNAME                                             VARCHAR2(64)
 TARGET                                             VARCHAR2(64)
 TARGET_DESC                                        VARCHAR2(32)
 SOFAR                                              NUMBER
 TOTALWORK                                          NUMBER
 UNITS                                              VARCHAR2(32)
 START_TIME                                         DATE
 LAST_UPDATE_TIME                                   DATE
 TIMESTAMP                                          DATE
 TIME_REMAINING                                     NUMBER
 ELAPSED_SECONDS                                    NUMBER
 CONTEXT                                            NUMBER
 MESSAGE                                            VARCHAR2(512)
 USERNAME                                           VARCHAR2(30)
 SQL_ADDRESS                                        RAW(8)
 SQL_HASH_VALUE                                     NUMBER
 SQL_ID                                             VARCHAR2(13)
 SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE                                NUMBER
 SQL_EXEC_START                                     DATE
 SQL_EXEC_ID                                        NUMBER
 SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID                                   NUMBER
 SQL_PLAN_OPERATION                                 VARCHAR2(30)
 SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS                                   VARCHAR2(30)
 QCSID                                              NUMBER

How to estimate the elapsed and remaining time for a long-running operation in Oracle?
Note the only difference in the two queries is v$session_longops VS gv$session_longops and the addition of the inst_id column to indicate the ID of the RAC instance.
RAC environments:
        (totalwork) - (sofar) remaining_work,
        round(elapsed_seconds/60) elapsed_time_in_mins,
        round(time_remaining/60)  remaining_time_in_mins
   FROM gv$session_longops
 WHERE time_remaining > 0

 order by 6 desc;

Non-RAC environments:
        (totalwork) - (sofar) remaining_work,
        round(elapsed_seconds/60) elapsed_time_in_mins,
        round(time_remaining/60)  remaining_time_in_mins
   FROM v$session_longops
 WHERE time_remaining > 0

 order by 6 desc;

Very similarly, how to estimate the elapsed and remaining time for a long-running RMAN operation in Oracle?

RAC environments:
        (totalwork) - (sofar) remaining_work,
        round(elapsed_seconds/60) elapsed_time_in_mins,
        round(time_remaining/60)  remaining_time_in_mins
   FROM gv$session_longops
 WHERE time_remaining > 0
 and opname like '%RMAN%'
 order by 6 desc;

Non-RAC environments:
        (totalwork) - (sofar) remaining_work,
        round(elapsed_seconds/60) elapsed_time_in_mins,
        round(time_remaining/60)  remaining_time_in_mins
   FROM gv$session_longops
 WHERE time_remaining > 0
 and opname like '%RMAN%'

 order by 6 desc;

How to estimate the estimated remaining time for a long-running SQL query?
select sql_id, totalwork, sofar, elapsed_seconds,time_remaining from gv$session_longops where sql_id in ('INSERT_SQL_ID_IN_HERE');

select sql_id, totalwork, sofar, elapsed_seconds,time_remaining from v$session_longops where sql_id in ('INSERT_SQL_ID_IN_HERE');

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Useful MOS resources for Oracle Database 12c

In this post, I have compiled some useful MOS resources and docs regarding Oracle's 12c Database (Oracle's DB Platform for the Cloud); These present a fantastic learning opportunity for DBAs, DMAs and Cloud Admins, especially those seeking an upgrade learning path to 12c from prior versions.
  • Complete Checklist for Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 using DBUA(Doc ID 1516557.1)
  • Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) Upgrade New Features(Doc ID 1515747.1)
  • Oracle ASM 12c New Features (Technical Overview)(Doc ID 1569648.1)
  • Oracle Database Advisor Webcast Schedule and Archive recordings(Doc ID 1456176.1)
  • Data Guard: Oracle 12c – New and updated Features (Doc ID 1558256.1)
  • Oracle NET 12c New Features (Doc ID 1615858.1)
  • How to Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c release1 (12.1.0) and Known Issues(Doc ID 2085705.1 
  • Master Note For Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) Database/Client Installation/Upgrade/Migration Standalone Environment (Non-RAC)(Doc ID 1520299.1)
  • Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition 2 ( ID 2027072.1)
  • Oracle Database 12c Install Options and the Installed Components(Doc ID 1961277.1)
  • Oracle Database 12c Takes Advantage of Optimized Shared Memory Feature on Oracle Solaris(Doc ID 1579199.1)
  • Known Issues and Properly Running Certified RCU Versions Against Oracle Database 12c(Doc ID 2004652.1)
  • Step by Step Examples of Migrating non-CDBs and PDBs Using ASM for File Storage (Doc ID 1576755.1)
  • Support Impact of the Deprecation Announcement of Oracle Restart with Oracle Database 12c(Doc ID 1584742.1)
  • Difference Between Major Components of Traditional Databases and Multitenant Databases CDB/PDB Introduced in Version 12c (Doc ID 2013529.1)
  • Oracle Multitenant Option - 12c : Frequently Asked Questions (Doc ID 1511619.1)
  • Initialization parameters in a Multitenant database - FAQ and Examples (Doc ID 2101638.1)
  • Initialization parameters in a Multitenant database - Facts and additional information (Doc ID 2101596.1)
  • PDB Failover in a Data Guard environment: Unplugging a Single Failed PDB from a Standby Database and Plugging into a New Container (Doc ID 2088201.1)
  • Making Use Deferred PDB Recovery and the STANDBYS=NONE Feature with Oracle Multitenant (Doc ID 1916648.1)
  • Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) DBUA In Silent Mode(Doc ID 1516616.1)
  • Where Manageability Data is Stored in 12c Multi-tenant (CDB) database (Doc ID 1586256.1)
  • How to Restore - Dropped Pluggable database (PDB) in Multitenant (Doc ID 2034953.1)
  • Data Guard Impact on Oracle Multitenant Environments (Doc ID 2049127.1)
  • Master Note for the Oracle Multitenant Option (Doc ID 1519699.1)
  • Script For Getting Complete Basic Information about configured CDB and PDB in Oracle Database Multitenant 12c (Doc ID 2012221.1)
  • 12c Multitenant Container Databases (CDB) and Pluggable Databases (PDB) Character set restrictions / ORA-65116/65119: incompatible database/national character set ( Character set mismatch: PDB character set CDB character set ) (Doc ID 1968706.1)
  • How to set a Pluggable Database to have a Different Time Zone to its own CDB (Doc ID 2127835.1)

Monday, July 18, 2016

How to drop and recreate Oracle ASM Disk Groups in RAC

This post covers the simple commands on ow to drop and recreate Oracle ASM Disk Groups in RAC.
Warning: Running these commands shall result in Data Loss.
SQL> create pfile from spfile;
$ asmtool -delete \\.\ASMDISK01
$ asmtool -delete \\.\ASMDISK02
$ asmtool -delete \\.\ASMDISK03

$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdg

$ srvctl status diskgroup -g DATA01
$ srvctl status diskgroup -g RECO01
$ srvctl stop diskgroup -g DATA01 -f
$ srvctl stop diskgroup -g RECO01 -f
SQL> drop diskgroup RECO01 force including contents;
Diskgroup dropped.
SQL> drop diskgroup DATA01 force including contents;
Diskgroup dropped.
Now that the ASM Disk Groups and constituent Disks have been dropped/erased, the new ASM Disk Groups can be recreated.
  DISK '/dev/asm/asmdisk*';

How To Drop and Recreate ASM Diskgroup (Doc ID 563048.1)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My New book coming out - Building Database Clouds in Oracle Database 12c

After a lot of hard work, I am thrilled to announce that my new book on Oracle-centric Cloud Computing is becoming available in a matter of a few days.

I had been contemplating authoring a book within the Oracle Cloud domain for a few years—the project finally started in 2013. I am very proud of my coauthors’ industry credentials and the depth of experience that they brought to this endeavor. From inception to writing to technical review to production, authoring a book is a lengthy labor of love and at times a painful process; this book would not have been possible without the endless support of the awesome Addison-Wesley team.

You can order the book online at:
Amazon - Building Database Clouds in Oracle Database 12c


I have copied the Preface from the "Publisher's Website: Addison Wesley" to provide a brief overview to the Reader:


Cloud Computing is all the rage these days. This book focuses on DBaaS (database-as-a-service) and Real Application Clusters (RAC), one of Oracle’s newest cutting-edge technologies within the Cloud Computing world.
Authored by a world-renowned, veteran author team of Oracle ACEs/ACE directors with a proven track record of multiple best-selling books and an active presence in the Oracle speaking circuit, this book is intended to be a blend of real-world, hands-on operations guide and expert handbook for Oracle 12c DBaaS within Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager (OEM 12c) as well as provide a segue into Oracle 12c RAC.
Targeted for Oracle DBAs and DMAs, this expert’s handbook is intended to serve as a practical, technical, go-to reference for performing administration operations and tasks for building out, managing, monitoring, and administering DB Clouds with the following objectives:
  • Practical, technical guide for building Oracle Database Clouds in 12c
  • Expert, pro-level DBaaS handbook
  • Real-world DBaaS hands-on operations guide
  • Expert deployment, management, administration, support, and monitoring guide for Oracle DBaaS
  • Practical best-practices advice from real-life DBaaS architects/administrators
  • Guide to setting up virtualized DB Clouds based on Oracle RAC clusters
In this technical, everyday, hands-on, step-by-step book, the authors aim for an audience of intermediate-level, power, and expert users of Oracle 12c DBaaS and RAC.

This book covers the 12c version of the Oracle DB software.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How to move an Oracle Table with LOBs and Indexes temporarily out of a TableSpace and then back in again?

On occasion, it becomes necessary to move an Oracle Table temporarily out of a TableSpace and then back in again. The following sequence of steps shows how to accomplish this task along with rebuilding associated Indexes and Large Objects (LOBs) as well.

=> Created new tablespace to move table ORACLE_TABLE_NAME temporarily out of OLDTBS_01 tablespace.
create tablespace NEWTBS_01 datafile '+DATA1' size 1G autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

=>Move Table,Index & LOB to temporary tablespace.
alter table "DBUSER"."ORACLE_TABLE_NAME" move tablespace NEWTBS_01;
alter index DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME_COL1 rebuild tablespace NEWTBS_01;
alter index DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME_COL2 rebuild tablespace NEWTBS_01;
alter index DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME_COL3 rebuild tablespace NEWTBS_01;
Alter table DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME move lob(LOBNAME_1) store as (tablespace NEWTBS_01);

=>Move ORACLE_TABLE_NAME table, indexes & LOB back to original tablespace  OLDTBS_01.
alter table "DBUSER"."ORACLE_TABLE_NAME" move tablespace OLDTBS_01;
alter index DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME_COL1 rebuild tablespace OLDTBS_01;
alter index DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME_COL2 rebuild tablespace OLDTBS_01;
alter index DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME_COL3 rebuild tablespace OLDTBS_01;
Alter table DBUSER.ORACLE_TABLE_NAME move lob(LOBNAME_1) store as (tablespace OLDTBS_01);

=>Validate that no data was left was left on NEWTBS_01 tablespace before dropping it.
select * from dba_segments where tablespace_name='NEWTBS_01';
drop tablespace NEWTBS_01 including contents and datafiles;

And there you have it, a table with Indexes and LOBs was temporarily moved to a new tablespace and then back for administrative purposes.

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to modify an Oracle RAC Service to startup in a specific DB Mode (For Data Guard)?

Below, I have mentioned commands to modify an Oracle RAC Cluster Managed DB Service to startup in a specific DB Mode (for Data Guard).

Modify the Service to startup in a Primary Mode:
srvctl modify service -d RACDB1 -s RACDB1SERV1 -l primary

Modify the Service to startup in Physical Standby Mode:
srvctl modify service -d RACDB1 -s RACDB1SERV1 -l physical_standby
Modify the Service to o startup in a Snapshot Standby Mode:
srvctl modify service -d RACDB1 -s RACDB1SERV1 -l snapshot_standby

How to Check the configuration/status of the Cluster Managed DB Service:srvctl config service -d RACDB1 -s RACDB1SERV1

Note: Please remember to change the name of the DB Names/Services with your own.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Creating and Changing Encryption Wallets/Passwords in Oracle

This post covers the commands to create and then change Wallet Files/Passwords for Oracle databases using the ORAPKI utility.

$ orapki help
Oracle PKI Tool : Version - Production
Copyright (c) 2004, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

orapki [crl|wallet|cert|help] <-nologo>
Syntax :
[-option [value]]     : mandatory, for example [-wallet [wallet]]
[-option <value>]     : optional, but when option is used its value is mandatory.
<option>              : optional, for example <-summary>, <-complete>
[option1] | [option2] : option1 'or' option2

In this example the -auto_login switch enables the Oracle database to automatically startup with the Wallet file.
$ orapki wallet create -wallet /u01/wallet/DBNAME -pwd "insert_pwd_here" -auto_login
This command shows how to change the existing Wallet Password utilizing the ORAPKI utility.
orapki wallet change_pwd -wallet /u01/DBNAME/wallet -oldpwd insert_old_password -newpwd insert_new_password

The following SQL commands show how to open, close, authenticate and query Encryption Wallet Passwords and status.
alter system set wallet open identified by "xxxxxx";
alter system set wallet close identified by "xxxxxxxx";

alter system set encryption key authenticated by "xxxxxxx";
select * from v$encryption_wallet;

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

RAC Installs: fails after installation on the first node

This post covers RAC Install failures: fails after installation on the first node

Excerpt from Problem Logs:
Disk Group GRID01 creation failed with the following message:
ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
ORA-15017: diskgroup "GRID01" cannot be mounted
ORA-15003: diskgroup "GRID01" already mounted in another lock name space

Configuration of ASM ... failed

see asmca logs at /u01/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/asmca for details
Did not succssfully configure and start ASM at /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/ line 6912.
/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl -I/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib -I/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/ execution failed

Cause: "This particular issue arises when is run concurrently on the first and other nodes on the RAC cluster. The correct approach is to run on the first node followed by the other nodes of the RAC cluster.\

Solution: Fails on the First Node for 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Installation (Doc ID 1191783.1)

Run the following as the root OS user on Node 1.
"$GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -deconfig -force -verbose"
Followed by this command on the other nodes:

"$GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -verbose -deconfig -force -lastnode"

How to Proceed from Failed 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (CRS) Installation (Doc ID 942166.1)
Here is the master note for troubleshooting/fixing Grid Infrastructure Startup issues.
Troubleshoot Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues (Doc ID 1050908.1)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Useful OS Commands/Utilities for Oracle Databases on IBM AIX environments

In this post, I have compiled some useful Commands/Utilities for running Oracle Databases on IBM AIX environments.

Gives useful resource/info about the LPAR/Virtual Server:
$ lparstat -I

The following utilities (topas and nmon) Gives useful resource consumption about the LPAR/Virtual Server (:
$ nmon
       -> h
│h = Help information     q = Quit nmon             0 = reset peak counts                                │
│+ = double refresh time  - = half refresh          r = ResourcesCPU/HW/MHz/AIX                          │
│c = CPU by processor     C=upto 1024 CPUs          p = LPAR Stats (if LPAR)                             │
│l = CPU avg longer term  k = Kernel Internal       # = PhysicalCPU if SPLPAR                            │
│m = Memory & Paging      M = Multiple Page Sizes  P = Paging Space                                      │
│d = DiskI/O Graphs       D = DiskIO +Service times o = Disks %Busy Map                                  │
│a = Disk Adapter         e = ESS vpath stats       V = Volume Group stats                               │
│^ = FC Adapter (fcstat)  O = VIOS SEA (entstat)    v = Verbose=OK/Warn/Danger                           │
│n = Network stats        N=NFS stats (NN for v4)   j = JFS Usage stats                                  │
│A = Async I/O Servers    w = see AIX wait procs   "="= Net/Disk KB<-->MB                                │
│b = black&white mode     g = User-Defined-Disk-Groups (see cmdline -g)                                  │
│t = Top-Process --->     1=basic 2=CPU-Use 3=CPU(default) 4=Size 5=Disk-I/O                             │
│u = Top+cmd arguments    U = Top+WLM Classes       . = only busy disks & procs                          │
│W = WLM Section          S = WLM SubClasses        @=Workload Partition(WPAR)                           │
│[ = Start ODR            ] = Stop ODR              i = Top-Thread                                       │
│~ = Switch to topas screen

$ topas
       -> h
One-character commands:
  @ - Pressing the
'@' key repeatedly toggles to wpar and normal mode
  a - Show all the variable subsections being monitored. Pressing the
      the 'a' key always returns topas to the main initial display.
  c - Pressing the 'c' key repeatedly toggles the CPU subsection
      between the cumulative report, off, and a list of busiest CPUs.
  d - Pressing the 'd' key repeatedly toggles the disk subsection between
      total disk, off, and busiest disks list activity for the system.
  t - Pressing the 't' key repeatedly toggles the tape subsection between
      total tape, off, and busiest tape list activity for the system.
  f - Pressing the 'f' key repeatedly toggles the file system subsection
      between total file system, off, and busiest file system list activity
      for the system.Also Moving the cursor over a WLM class and pressing 'f'
      shows the list of top processes in the class on the bottom of the
      screen(WLM Display Only).Similarly moving the cursor over a WPAR name and
      pressing'f' shows the list of top file system belonging to that wpar
      on the bottom of the screen(FS Display with @ option only)
  e - Pressing the 'e' key repeatedly toggles between the AME and NFS
      subsections. The key has no effect if AME(Active memory expansion)
      is not enabled in the machine.
  n - Pressing the 'n' key repeatedly toggles the network interfaces subsection
      between total network, off, and busiest interfaces list activity.
  p - Pressing the 'p' key toggles the hot processes subsection on and off.
  P - Toggle to the Full Screen Process Display
  q - Quit the program                                                           r - Refresh the screen
Gives useful resource consumption about the System Memory info (Including Large Page Consumption/Information):
$ svmon

Gives Disk Usage Information on/attached-to the LPAR:
$ df -g